Lash Lifts


Lash lifts & tints are ideal for someone who wants to enhance their natural eyes without the hassle of lash extension maintenance. Save time on your daily beauty routine by waking up bright-eyed without the need for mascara or curling, as your natural lashes are immediately strengthened, lifted, and expertly colored.


When performed by a professional and aftercare is properly followed, effects last 4-6 weeks on average and are not damaging to your natural lashes. Lash lifts are non-invasive and require nearly no down-time. You’ll want to avoid water, sweat, and steam for 24 hours following your appointment. We advise wearing makeup no sooner than 24 hours post-lift and opting for oil-free mascaras or foundations to preserve your results.


Lash Lift & Tint (75 minutes)$110

NOTE: Contact lenses should be removed immediately before patch tests or appointments. Bring a lens case with you so lenses can be removed prior to and replaced following your session.

Book Now

First, let’s make sure you have no allergies to lift or tint solution! For your free consultation & quick patch test, contact us at C’zar Wheaton.